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What Is VoV?
VoV stands for View of Views and enables users to run multiple VDM Views, as a single process.
VoV is a powerful control that allows for the combining of multiple View’s grouped and aggregated summary data into a single data row, for each unique grouped value, when like grouped data types are available in each View.
Why Use A VoV?
VoV is most commonly used when the presentation of the data from multiple Views must be combined for more effective reporting. For example if there are three Views and each View is grouped on a date value, such as a Listing Date, Transaction Date and Start Date, the three Views can be combined into single row of data for each unique date.
What Are The Different Types Of VoV?
VoV allows for the creation of a Single Summary, Un-joined Dataset, or Joined Dataset.
Single Summary:
A Single Summary VoV will return one record for each grouped item in your Views. For example if you have three Views and each are grouped by a Date and a String, the VoV Single Summary will return one line from each View for every unique Date and String as well as the summary items. Building a Single Summary View requires that your Views are grouped by a like data type; string, numeric, date, etc.
Build Dataset Un-Joined:
An Un-joined Dataset will return one Datatable for each Detail and Summary result from the selected Views. Datasets are useful when you need to combine disparate views into a single data source for Finished Reports or Visualize. Users often build a Dataset when they want to combine multiple Views into a single Excel spreadsheet where each View is a separate workbook.
Build Dataset Joined:
A Joined Dataset will return a single result from the selected Views based on the defined linking relationship. When the Views are joined together, the individual Views' results are imported into a local MS SQL database and then joined using the relationship defined during the VoV build process.
VoV Builder
Below are explanations of all the buttons and properties available inside the VoV Builder.
Ribbon Bar Buttons
- Open: Opens an existing VoV.
- Save: Saves the VoV that is currently open.
- Add View: Add a saved View into the VoV Builder.
- Remove View: Removes selected View from the VoV Builder.
- Rebuild VoV: Resets the VoV form and its contents.
- Clear Links: Clears linking for all Views.
- VoV Option
- Build Single Summary View: Combines the View’s grouped and aggregated summary data into a single data row, for each unique grouped summary value.
- Build DataSet View: Creates a separate table for each View’s Details and Summary items allowing the export of the data into a mutli-sheet Excel Spreadsheet.
- Connection: Sets the Connection Profile to use for selected View.
- Type: Sets whether the VoV will be details, summary, or both details and summary VoVs.
- View Path: The directory path to the saved View.
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