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Article Goal: Show the steps need to create a job in VDM.
Version: and later.
Creating a Job inside VDM's scheduler is the first step to automating your reports. Once a Job is created it can then be leveraged in the scheduler to be ran at scheduled times and dates.
A single job can leverage multiple views. Each of those views can have multiple executions.
Example: Job1 uses View1 and View2. View1 has 5 executions using different parameters and View2 has 10 executions using different parameters. Job1 will run 15 separate executions from 2 different Views returning results based on each execution's parameters in a single VDM session.
1 Appointment on the Calendar = 1 VDM64.exe Session
Video Tutorial:
Steps To Create A Job
1. Click Scheduler located at the bottom of VDM.
2. Select Job under the Automation section on the left.
3. Click the Add button in the View section of the Ribbon Bar and select a View.
4. Click the Add (Wizard) button located in the Executions section of the Ribbon Bar.
5. Enter an Execution Name, select the Connection Profile to use, select what to Export, then click Next.
6. Select Export Location, enter the Export Filename (Optional: Add Date before/after Export Filename and Date Format) select File Types, then click Next.
Important Note: This step will need to be repeated for each export option that was checked. (Details, Chart, Finished Report, etc.)
7. (Optional) Enable Email Alerts and select email profile. For help with email profiles click here.
8. Enter the Parameters for this execution.
Note: If you want to have the same view ran with different parameters, copy the execution after it has been created and modify the parameter values on the new execution.
9. (Optional) Enable/Configure Post Processing Commands.
10. Once your jobs have been configured, click Save.
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