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Article Goal: Create Finished Report using multi data source
In this article we are going to cover the steps to take to create a multi datasource Finished Report. This will allow us to leverage both the Detail and Summary data from the view.
Article Summary: Set the Finished Report to multi and add unbound reports. Then set them to the desired data member and add your fields.
What Are Multi Finished Reports?
Multi data member Finished Reports allow us to leverage data from the Detail and Summary data tables. This massively opens up the possibilities for the report structure and how to present the data. For example, on the most basic level we can display summary data and detail data.
Example: Summary Data and Detail Data in a single Finished Report
Where Do You Create Multi Finished Reports?
You can set your Finished Report to multi inside the designer by selecting the drop down at the top left of the screen. Please note that in order to leverage Summary data you will need to have set up your Group/Sum/Sort accordingly in the FSGS section.
Video Tutorial:
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Steps To Create A Multi Finished Report.
Important Note: If your view already has a Finished Report created, create a copy of the view and click the Delete Finished Report button.
** See attached View for reference / following along with the article **
1. Open / Create a view.
2. Go into FSGS then Group/Sum/Sort. Set up your grouping and summary fields as needed.
3. Run the View to get the new summary field(s) created in Step 2.
4. Enter the Finished Report and set the it to Multi
6. Shrink up the Detail band to remove empty space and click on the original detail band, then right click and insert an unbound detail report.
Optional: Repeat this as needed by clicking back on the original detail band and inserting additional unbound detail reports.
7. Click on each unbound detail report and set the datasource and data member.
Note: In my example I want the Summary section above, so I made the first detail report have the Summary Data Member.
8. Repeat step 7 on any other unbound detail reports and set the Datasource and Data Member as needed.
9. Add fields from the Summary data into the "Summary" DetailReport
10. Add fields from the Details data into the "Details" DetailReport.
11. Adjust the Finished Report as needed. Once finished with changes and the report is verified to be as desired, Save the Finished Report.
** See attached View for reference / following along with the article **
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