Creating an Encrypted Connection String
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In this article we provide the steps needed to create an encrypted connection string for WebReports.
Where Do You Encrypt Your WebReports Connection String and Okta Settings?
Your WebReports Connection string and Okta settings can be encrypted inside VDM by clicking on the Help menu in VDM, then selecting WR App Settings.
Steps to Encrypt Your Microsoft SQL Connections String.
NOTE: When copying the values inside appsettings, copy the value inside the double quotes ( " ).
1. Click the Help Menu then select WR App Settings.
2. Open your appsettings.json file.
3. Copy the Company ID, WR License Key and Connection String from the appsettings and then paste it into the corresponding License Information and Connection String sections.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remove the extra slash when copying directly from the Appsettings with the SQL Instance.
Incorrect (with extra slash): Server=SQLServerName\\SQLInstanceName;Database=WebReports;User Id=YourSQLUser;Password=YourSQLPassword;Connect Timeout=60
Correct (no extra slash):
Server=SQLServerName\SQLInstanceName;Database=WebReports;User Id=YourSQLUser;Password=YourSQLPassword;Connect Timeout=60
7. Click Create WebReports Database Connection String.
8. Copy the encrypted connection string from the box below.
Note: Try clicking inside the box and pressing Ctrl + A then Ctrl + C to copy out the connection string.
9. Paste the encrypted connection string over your connection string at the top of your appsettings. Make sure you paste the connection string over the right connection string depending on whether you are using a MSSQL connection or MySQL.
Once you have the connection string pasted, set the EncryptedConnection setting to "true"
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you paste the connection string within the double quotes (" ")
10. Save the changes made to the appsettings.json.
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