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After a View has been executed the results are displayed in the Data Grids. The Data Grids are read only and the database’s data cannot be updated from the Grids.
VDM has three primary Data Grids and each are available on the navigation pane to the left of VDM.
- Details: Displays all the detail data returned for the View.
- Summary: Displays the summarized/aggregated data returned for the View.
- Pivot: Allows for the construction of Pivot tables (also commonly referred to as a Matrix or Cross tab report).
The Data Grids in VDM have many advanced features that allow you to work with your data. The Data Grid options are accessible through Right-Click Context menus at four distinct hot spots on the Grid.
Grid Header
- Full Expand: Expands/Shows the detail under the Grouped Columns.
- Full Collapse: Collapses/Hides the detail under the Grouped columns.
- Clear Grouping: Removes the Grid Level Grouping.
- Hide Group by Box: Hides the group by box on the Data Grid.
Grid Column Header
- Sort Ascending/Descending: Grid Level Sorting (does not affect the View’s Sort Criteria).
- Clear All Sorting: Clears any sorting on the detail view.
- Group By This Column: Groups the Data Grid on the selected column.
- Hide Group By Box: Hides the area on the Data Grid labeled, ‘Drag a column header here to group by that column’.
- Hide This Column (Legacy): Hides the selected column (used for legacy export).
- Column Chooser: Provides a list of Removed Columns so they can be added back to the View.
- Best Fit: Expands the selected Columns width to fit the data.
- Best Fit (all columns): Expands all Columns widths to fit the data.
- Filter Editor: Allows for Data Grid Level filtering (does not affect the View’s Filter Criteria).
- Show Find Panel: Displays the Data Grid’s Find Panel.
- Show Auto Filter Row: Displays the Data Grid’s Auto Filter Row.
- Conditional Formatting: Excel inspired formatting options for the Data Grid.
Grid Body
- Add Equal Speed Filter: Adds View Level Filter based on the selected item in the Data Grid.
- Add Not Equal Speed Filter: Adds View Level Filter based on the selected item in the Data Grid.
- Update Filter/Group: Re-applies the Views Filter and Group conditions and refreshes the Data Grid.
- Enable Group Footer: Enables the Group Footer Summary Row when there are Grouped Columns.
- Create List: Creates a Text File listing of all the data in the Selected Column.
- Format Column: Displays Formatting Options for the Selected Column.
- Edit Expression: Allows for the edit of an Unbound Expression Column.
- Add New Expression: Allows for the insertion of an Unbound Expression Column.
- Expression Data Type: Defines the data type for the Selected Column.
Grid Footer
- Sum: Summarizes the Selected Column.
- Min: Displays the Minimum Value for the Selected Column.
- Max: Displays the Maximum Value for the Selected Column.
- Count: Displays the Total Count for the Selected Column.
- Average: Displays the Average Value for the Selected Column.
- None: Removed the Summary for the Selected Column.
Grid Level Grouping
When right clicking on a grouped column the following options are added to the Grid Column Column header’s context menu.
- Full Expand: Expands all row details.
- Full Collapse: Collapses all the row detail.
- Sort Ascending/Descending: Grid Level Sorting (does not affect the View’s Sort Criteria).
- Sort by Summary: Sort by Grid Level Summary.
- Ungroup: Ungroup the rows details by the selected column.
- Hide Group by Box: Hides the group by box on the Data Grid.
- Group Summary Editor: Allows for summaries to be added to the grouped headers.
- Hide This Column (Legacy): Hides the selected column (used for legacy export).
- Group Interval: Available when the column used to group the rows is a date data type.
- Column Chooser: Provides a list of Removed Columns so they can be added back to the View.
- Best Fit: Expands the selected Columns width to fit the data.
- Best Fit (all columns): Expands all Columns widths to fit the data.
- Filter Editor: Allows for Data Grid Level filtering (does not affect the View’s Filter Criteria).
- Show Find Panel: Displays the Data Grid’s Find Panel.
- Show Auto Filter Row: Displays the Data Grid’s Auto Filter Row.
- Conditional Formatting: Excel inspired formatting options for the Data Grid.
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