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Article Goal: Cover connecting to databases and adding fields to the view.
In this article we cover how to use and interact with the Tables / Fields section in Tables and Fields.
Why Use Tables and Fields?
The Table and Fields section shows all available Tables and Fields for the available databases. Adding fields to the view from Tables and Fields is step one in the process of creating a view, once a database connection has been established.
Note: Field names will only become visible after you click on the table name and expand the listing.
Video Tutorial:
Steps To Use Tables and Fields
1. Open VDM
2. Connect to your database and expand it.
3. If the Prefix TO/Schema Name option is enabled on the connection, expand the schema.
4. Click on a table, then expand it.
5. Add fields to the report by double clicking or dragging the field into the Report Fields section.
Right Click Menus in Tables and Fields
1. Right clicking on the database will display the following options:
- Connect: Connect to the selected database.
- Disconnect: Disconnect from the selected database.
- Edit: Opens the Connection Wizard allowing you to modify the connection for the selected database.
- Load All Tables: Loads all of the tables for the connected database.
- Delete: Deletes the selected database.
- Expand All Tables: Expands all the Tables and Fields in tree view.
- Collapse All Tables: Collapses all the Tables and Fields in the tree view.
- Find Tables: Prompts for a string value and will search the database for any table containing the entered string.
- Show All Tables: Removes all table filters and will display available database tables.
- Show Favorites: Shows only the tables that were added to your favorites for each database.
2. Right clicking on the table will display the following options:
- Add To Favorites: Adds the current table to your favorites (favorited tables will show when using the Show Favorites right click menu)
- Show Schema: Shows schema for the currently selected table.
Under Right Click Menus in Tables and Fields it states
Can you confirm if this is correct? I would think that it deletes the Connection Profile
Thanks for pointing that out, Nicolas. I have made the correction.
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