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Article Goal: Create and connect to an Oracle connection type in VDM.
In this article we cover how to remove extra columns and rows when exporting Finished Reports to Excel. Below will be examples and results of what each situation can look like (extra space in bands, wrapping labels, etc.) and how to fix it.
If you would like to practice removing blank rows / columns on our demo view, download the original version here.
If you would like to see the modified version of the view with the blank rows and columns removed, download the modified version here.
Blank columns / rows after export:
Video Tutorial:
Not yet available.
Blank Rows from Extra Space in Bands:
This section focuses on extra spaces in excel as a result of blank space above / below labels in the bands.
Example Extra Space in Band: Designer
Example Extra Spaces in the Bands: Preview
How to correct the word wrap / growing challenge
1. Look through each of your report bands and shrink up any extra space above / below your labels.
Labels Growing / Wrapping:
This section focuses on extra spacing in excel as a result of labels growing / wrapping to new lines when exported.
Example Word Wrapping / Growing (Under the labels): Preview
How to correct the word wrap / growing challenge
1. Select any labels that are wrapping in the report.
2. Click on the Label Tasks (Cog) icon.
3. Disable any formatting on the labels that would cause it to wrap / grow.
Labels / Logos Not Aligned:
This section focuses on extra spacing in excel as a result of labels / logos not completely aligned.
Example labels / logos not lined up: Designer
Example labels / logos not lined up: Preview
How to labels / logos not lined up challenge
1. Select any labels that are not lined up vertically in the report.
2. Use the grid / label snapping to adjust the sizing so that they line up with all labels / logos above and below until they are lined up as needed.
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