Basic Syntax - Add Functions
Syntax: AddDays([DateTime], 20)
Example: AddDays([OrderDate], 20)
Add function being used in the expression
The DateTime value that will be used to add/subtract from
The amount of Days, Hours, etc. Added/Subtracted (Negative Values Subtract)
Basic Syntax - DateDiff Functions
Syntax: DateDiffDay(StartDate, EndDate)
Example: DateDiffDay([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiff function being used in the expression
The first DateTime value that will be compared in the expression. (Order is important. If you are getting negative values switch the values being used for StartDate and EndDate)
The second DateTime value being compared in the expression
Basic Syntax - Get Functions
Syntax: GetDate(DateTime)
Example: GetDate([OrderDate])
Get function being used in the expression
The DateTime value that will be used to get X from (Date, DayOfWeek, Hour, etc.)
Basic Syntax - Is Functions
Syntax: IsLastMonth(DateTime)
Example: IsLastMonth([OrderDate])
Is function being used in the expression
The DateTime value compared to the specified expression (LastMonth, NextMonth, LastYear, etc.)
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