Aggregate Functions
For a more in-depth guide on aggregates click here.
Avg: [Collection][Condition].Avg(Expression)
Example: [Products][Discontinued == False].Avg([UnitsInStock])
Returns the average of all the Expression values in the Collection based on the specified Condition (Optional)
Count: [Collection][Condition].Count()
Example: [Products][Discontinued == False].Count()
Returns the number of entries in the Collection based on the specified Condition (optional)
Exists: [Collection][Condition].Exists()
Example: [Products][UnitPrice > 0].Exists()
Determines whether the specified Condition holds true for the defined Collection.
Max: [Collection][Condition].Max(Expression)
Example: [Products][Discontinued == False].Max([UnitPrice])
Returns the maximum Expression value in the specified Collection based on the defined Condition (optional).
Min: [Collection][Condition].Min(Expression)
Example: [Products][Discontinued == False].Min([UnitPrice])
Returns the minimum Expression value in the specified Collection based on the defined Condition (optional).
Sum: [Collection][Condition].Sum(Expression)
Example: [Products][Discontinued ==False].Sum([UnitsInStock])
Returns the sum of all the Expression values in the Collection based on the specified Condition (optional).
Single: [Collection][Condition].Single(Expression)
Example: [Products][UnitPrice > 200].Single('True')
Returns the Expression if the Collection contains only one object meeting the specified Condition (optional).
DateTime Functions
For a more in-depth guide on DateTime Functions click here.
AddDays: AddDays(DateTime, DaysCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of DaysCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddDays([OrderDate], 30)
AddHours: AddHours(DateTime, HoursCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of HoursCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddHours([StartTime], 2)
AddMilliSeconds: AddMilliSeconds(DateTime, MilliSecondsCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of MilliSecondsCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddMilliSeconds([StartTime], 5000)
Addminutes: AddMinutes(DateTime, MinutesCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of MinutesCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddMinutes([StartTime], 30)
AddMonths: AddMonths(DateTime, MonthsCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of MonthsCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddMonths([OrderDate], 1)
AddSeconds: AddSeconds(DateTime, SecondsCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of SecondsCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddSeconds([StartTime], 60)
AddTicks: AddTicks(DateTime, AddTicks)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of TicksCount away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddTicks([StartTime], 5000)
AddTimeSpan: AddTimeSpan(DateTime, TimeSpan)
Returns a date-time value that is away from the specified DateTime for the given TimeSpan.
Example: AddTimeSpan([StartTime], [TimeSpan])
AddYears: AddYears(DateTime, YearsCount)
Returns a date-time value that is the specified number of YearsCount (Negative Values Subract Years) away from the specified DateTime.
Example: AddYears([OrderDate], 10)
Example 2: AddYears([OrderDate], -10)
DateDiffDay: DateDiffDay(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of day boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffDay([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffHour: DateDiffHour(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of hour boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffHour([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffMilliSecond: DateDiffMilliSecond(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of millisecond boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffMilliSecond([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffMinute: DateDiffMinute(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of minute boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffMinute([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffMonth: DateDiffMonth(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of month boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffMonth([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffSecond: DateDiffSecond(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of second boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffSecond([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffTick: DateDiffTick(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of tick boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffTick([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
DateDiffYear: DateDiffYear(StartDate, EndDate)
Returns the number of year boundaries between two non-nullable dates.
Example: DateDiffYear([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
GetDate: GetDate(DateTime)
Extracts a date from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetDate([OrderDate])
GetDay: GetDay(DateTime)
Extracts a day from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetDay([OrderDate])
GetDayOfWeek: GetDayOfWeek(DateTime)
Extracts a day of the week from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetDayOfWeek([OrderDate])
GetDayOfYear: GetDayOfYear(DateTime)
Extracts a day of the year from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetDayOfYear([OrderDate])
GetHour: GetHour(DateTime)
Extracts an hour from the defined DateTime, in ticks.
Example: GetHour([OrderDate])
GetMilliSecond: GetMilliSecond(DateTime)
Extracts milliseconds from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetMilliSecond([OrderDate])
GetMinute: GetMinute(DateTime)
Extracts minutes from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetMinute([OrderDate])
GetMonth: GetMonth(DateTime)
Extracts a month from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetMonth([OrderDate])
GetSecond: GetSecond(DateTime)
Extracts seconds from the defined DateTime.
Example: GetSecond([OrderDate])
GetTimeOfDay: GetTimeOfDay(DateTime)
Extracts the time of the day from the defined DateTime, in ticks.
Example: GetTimeOfDay([OrderDate])
GetYear: GetYear(DateTime)
Extracts a year from the defined DateTime, in ticks.
Example: GetYear([OrderDate])
IsApril: IsApril(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within April.
Example: IsApril([OrderDate])
IsAugust: IsAugust(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within August.
Example: IsAugust([OrderDate])
IsDecember: IsDecember(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within December.
Example: IsDecember([OrderDate])
IsFebruary: IsFebruary(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within February.
Example: IsFebruary([OrderDate])
IsJanuary: IsJanuary(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within January.
Example: IsJanuary([OrderDate])
IsJuly: IsJuly(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within July.
Example: IsJuly([OrderDate])
IsJune: IsJune(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within June.
Example: IsJune([OrderDate])
IsLastMonth: IsLastMonth(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the previous month.
Example: IsLastMonth([OrderDate])
IsLastYear: IsLastYear(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the previous year.
Example: IsLastYear([OrderDate])
IsMarch: IsMarch(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within March.
Example: IsMarch([OrderDate])
IsMay: IsMay(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within May.
Example: IsMay([OrderDate])
IsNextMonth: IsNextMonth(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the next month.
Example: IsNextMonth([OrderDate])
IsNextYear: IsNextYear(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the next year.
Example: IsNextYear([OrderDate])
IsNovember: IsNovember(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within November.
Example: IsNovember([OrderDate])
IsOctober: IsOctober(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within October.
Example: IsOctober([OrderDate])
IsSeptember: IsSeptember(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within September.
Example: IsSeptember([OrderDate])
IsThisMonth: IsThisMonth(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the current month.
Example: IsThisMonth([OrderDate])
IsThisWeek: IsThisWeek(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the current week.
Example: IsThisWeek([OrderDate])
IsThisYear: IsThisYear(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the current year.
Example: IsThisYear([OrderDate])
IsYearToDate: IsYearToDate(DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime falls within the year-to-date period (starting from the first day of the current year and continuing up to the current date).
Example: IsYearToDate([OrderDate])
LocalDateTimeDayAfterTomorrow: LocalDateTimeDayAfterTomorrow()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the day after Tomorrow.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeDayAfterTomorrow(), 1)
LocalDateTimeLastMonth: LocalDateTimeLastMonth()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the first day of the previous month.
Example: AddMonths(LocalDateTimeLastMonth(), 1)
LocalDateTimeLastWeek: LocalDateTimeLastWeek()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of the previous week.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeLastWeek(), 1)
LocalDateTimeLastYear: LocalDateTimeLastYear()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the first day of the previous year.
Example: AddMonths(LocalDateTimeLastYear(),1)
LocalDateTimeNextMonth: LocalDateTimeNextMonth()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of next month.
Example: AddMonths(LocalDateTimeNextMonth(),1)
LocalDateTimeNextWeek: LocalDateTimeNextWeek()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of the following week.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeNextWeek(),1)
LocalDateTimeNextYear: LocalDateTimeNextYear()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of the following year.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeNextYear(),1)
LocalDateTimeNow: LocalDateTimeNow()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the current moment in time.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeNow(),1)
LocalDateTimeThisMonth: LocalDateTimeThisMonth()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of the current month.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeThisMonth(),1)
LocalDateTimeThisWeek: LocalDateTimeThisWeek()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of the current week.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeThisWeek(),1)
LocalDateTimeThisYear: LocalDateTimeThisYear()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to the first day of the current year.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeThisYear(),1)
LocalDateTimeToday: LocalDateTimeToday()
Returns a DateTime value corresponding to Today.
Example: AddMinutes(LocalDateTimeToday(),60)
LocalDateTimeTomorrow: LocalDateTimeTomorrow()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to Tomorrow.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeTomorrow(),1)
LocalDateTimeTwoMonthsAway: LocalDateTimeTwoMonthsAway()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the first day of the month after next.
Example: AddMonths(LocalDateTimeTwoMonthsAway(),1)
LocalDateTimeTwoWeeksAway: LocalDateTimeTwoWeeksAway()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the first day of the week that is after next week.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeTwoWeeksAway(),1)
LocalDateTimeTwoYearsAway: LocalDateTimeTwoYearsAway()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the first day of the year after next.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeTwoYearsAway(),1)
LocalDateTimeYearBeforeToday: LocalDateTimeYearBeforeToday()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to the day one year ago.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeYearBeforeToday(),1)
LocalDateTimeYesterday: LocalDateTimeYesterday()
Returns a date-time value corresponding to Yesterday.
Example: AddDays(LocalDateTimeYesterday(),1)
Now: Now()
Returns the current system date and time.
Example: AddDays(Now(),7)
Today: Today()
Returns the current date. Regardless of the actual time, this function returns midnight of the current date.
Example: AddDays(Today(),7)
UtcNow: UtcNow()
Returns the current system date and time, expressed as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Example: AddDays(UtcNow(),1)
IsSameDay: IsSameDay(DateTime, DateTime)
Returns True if the specified DateTime values fall within the same day.
Example: IsSameDay([OrderDate], [ShippedDate])
Logical Functions
For a more in-depth guide on Logical Functions click here.
Iif: Iif(FirstClause, FirstClauseTrueValue, ..., LastClause, LastClauseTrueValue, FalseValue)
Example 1: Iif(?ViewParameter_FilterBy = 'Contact Name', [ContactName], [City])
Example 2: IIf(?ViewParameter_FilterBy = 'Contact Name', [ContactName], Iif(?ViewParameter_FilterBy = 'City', [City], [OrderID])))
Returns either a value defined for the first Boolean condition that is True, or the last value if none of these conditions is True.
This function can accept any number of arguments.
IsNull: IsNull(Value)
Returns True if the specified Value is NULL.
Example: IsNull([OrderDate])
IsNull: IsNull(Value1, Value2)
Returns the Value2 if the first operand is null, otherwise, Value1 is returned.
Example: IsNull([ShippedDate], [RequiredDate])
IsNullOrEmpty: IsNullOrEmpty(String)
Returns True if the specified String object is NULL or an empty string; otherwise, False is returned.
Example: IsNullOrEmpty([ProductName])
Math Functions
Abs: Abs(Value)
Returns the absolute, positive value of the given Value.
Example: Abs(1 - [Discount])
Acos: Acos(Value)
Returns the arccosine of a number (the angle, in radians, whose cosine is the given float expression).
Example: Acos([Value])
Asin: Asin(Value)
Returns the arcsine of a Value (the angle, in radians, whose sine is the given float expression).
Example: Asin([Value])
Atn: Atn(Value)
Returns the arctangent of a Value (the angle, in radians, whose tangent is the given float expression).
Example: Atn([Value])
Atn: Atn(Value1, Value2)
Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified Values, in radians.
Example: Atn([Value1], [Value2])
BigMul: BigMul(Value1, Value2)
Returns an Int64 containing the full product of two specified 32-bit numbers.
Example: BigMul([Amount], [Quantity])
Ceiling: Ceiling(Value)
Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given numeric expression.
Example: Ceiling([Value])
Cos: Cos(Value)
Returns the cosine of the angle defined in radians.
Example: Cos([Value])
Cosh: Cosh(Value)
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the angle defined in radians.
Example: Cosh([Value])
Exp: Exp(Value)
Returns the exponential value of the given float expression.
Example: Exp([Value])
Floor: Floor(Value)
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given numeric expression.
Example: Floor([Value])
Log: Log(Value)
Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number.
Example: Log([Value])
Log: Log(Value, Base)
Returns the logarithm of a specified number Value in a specified Base.
Example: Log([Value], 2)
Log10: Log(Value)
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number Value.
Example: Log10([Value])
Max: Max(Value1, Value2)
Returns the highest maximum value from the specified values.
Example: Max([Value], [Value2])
Min: Min(Value1, Value2)
Returns the lowest minimum value from the specified values.
Example: Min(Value1, Value2)
Power: Power(Value, Power)
Returns a specified number Value, raised to a specified Power.
Example: Power([Value], 3)
Rnd: Rnd()
Returns a random number that is less than 1, but greater than or equal to zero.
Example: Rnd()*100
Round: Round(Value)
Rounds the given Value to the nearest integer.
Example: Round([Value])
Round: Round(Value, Precision)
Rounds the given Value to the nearest integer, or to a specified Precision.
Example: Round([Value], 5)
Sign: Sign(Value)
Returns the positive (+1), zero (0), or negative (-1) sign of the given Value.
Example: Sign([Value])
Sin: Sin(Value)
Returns the sine of the angle, defined in radians.
Example: Sinh([Value])
Sinh: Sinh(Value)
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the angle defined in radians.
Sqr: Sqr(Value)
Returns the square root of a given number Value.
Example: Sqr([Value])
Tan: Tan(Value)
Returns the tangent of the angle defined in radians.
Example: Tan([Value])
Tanh: Tanh(Value)
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the angle defined in radians.
Example: Tanh([Value])
ToDecimal: ToDecimal(Value)
Converts Value to an equivalent decimal number.
Example: ToDecimal([Freight])
ToDouble: ToDouble(Value)
Converts Value to an equivalent 64-bit double-precision floating-point number.
Example: ToDouble([Freight])
ToFloat: ToFloat(Value)
Converts Value to an equivalent 32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
Example: ToFloat([Freight])
ToInt: ToInt(Value)
Converts Value to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer.
Example: ToInt([Freight])
ToLong: ToLong(Value)
Converts Value to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer.
Example: ToLong([Freight])
String Functions
Ascii: Ascii(String)
Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character in a character expression.
Example: Ascii('a')
Char: Char(Number)
Converts the specified ASCII integer Number to a character.
Example: Char(65)
CharIndex: CharIndex(String1, String2)
Returns the starting position of String1 within String2, beginning from the zero character position to the end of a string.
Example: CharIndex('r', 'Bridgeworks')
CharIndex: CharIndex(String1, String2, StartLocation)
Returns the starting position of String1 within String2, beginning from the StartLocation character position to the end of a string.
Example: CharIndex('r', 'Bridgeworks', 2)
Concat: Concat(String1, ... ,StringN)
Returns a string value containing the concatenation of the current string with any additional strings.
Example: Concat('A', ')', [ProductName])
Contains: Contains(String, SubString)
Returns True if SubString occurs within String; otherwise, False is returned.
Example: Contains([ContactName], '-')
EndsWith: EndsWith(String, EndString)
Returns True if the end of String matches EndString; otherwise, False is returned.
Example: EndsWith('Hello World!', 'World!')
Insert: Insert(String1, StartPosition, String2)
Inserts String2 into String1 at the position specified by StartPositon.
Example: Insert('Hello World', 11, '!')
Len: Len(String)
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a String or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Example: Len([ContactName])
Lower: Lower(String)
Returns String in lowercase.
PadLeft: PadLeft(String, Length)
Left-aligns characters in the defined String, padding its left side with white space up to a specified total Length.
Example: PadLeft([Name], 30)
PadLeft: PadLeft(String, Length, Char)
Left-aligns characters in the defined String, padding its right side with the specified Char up to a specified total Length.
Example: PadLeft([Name], 30, '<')
PadRight: PadRight(String, Length)
Right-aligns characters in the defined String, padding its right side with white space up to a specified total Length.
Example: PadRight([Name], 30)
PadRight: PadRight(String, Length, Char)
Right-aligns characters in the defined String, padding its right side with the specified Char up to a specified total Length.
Example: PadRight([Name], 30, '>')
Remove: Remove(String, StartPosition)
Deletes all characters from specified String, beginning at a specified StartPosition.
Example: Remove('Contact Name', 3)
Remove: Remove(String, StartPosition, Length)
Deletes a specified Length of characters from specified String, beginning at a specified StartPosition.
Example: Remove('Contact Name', 0, 7)
Replace: Replace(String, SubString2, String3)
Returns a copy of String1, in which SubString2 has been replaced with String3.
Example: Replace([Name], 'The ', '')
Reverse: Reverse(String)
Reverses the order of elements within a String.
Example: Reverse('This will be reversed')
StartsWith: StartsWith(String, StartString)
Returns True if the beginning of String matches StartString; otherwise, False is returned.
Example: StartsWith([Description], 'IN')
Substring: Substring(String, StartPosition)
Retrieves a substring from String. The substring starts at StartPosition.
Example: Substring([Description],2)
Substring: Substring(String, StartPosition, Length)
Retrieves a substring from String. The substring starts at StartPosition and has the specified Length.
Example: Substring([Description], 2, 3)
ToStr: ToStr(Value)
Returns a string representation of a Value.
Example: ToStr([ID])
Trim: Trim(String)
Removes all leading and trailing SPACE characters from String.
Example: Trim([ProductName])
Upper: Upper(String)
Returns String in uppercase.
Example: Upper('returns string in uppercase')
NewLine: NewLine()
Returns the newline string defined for this environment.
FormatString: FormatString(Format, Value1, ... , ValueN)
Returns the specified string with formatted field values.
This function can accept any number of arguments.
Example: FormatString('{0} - {1:c}', [Column1], [Column2])
Rgb: Rgb(Red, Green, Blue)
Returns a string defining a color using the Red, Green, and Blue color channel values.
Argb: Argb(Alpha, Red, Green, Blue)
Returns a string defining a color using the Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue color channel values.
Join: Join(Collection)
Concatenates elements of the specified Collection, inserting comma between each element.
Example: Join([ContactName])
Join: Join(Collection, Separator)
Concatenates elements of the specified Collection, using the specified Separator between each element.
Example: Join([ContactName],'-')
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