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VDM Settings allows you to define user preferences within the VDM platform. This article will cover each setting at the User Options level.
Note: Running VDM as an administrator will allow you to modify Global Options and Service Options.
User Options
Connection Options
- Connection Attempt Limit: The amount of times the connection will attempt to re-open if the connection has failed.
- Default Connection: If Load All Connection is disabled, this connection will be automatically opened on launch.
- Heartbeat Duration: If persistent connection is enabled, Heartbeat Duration is the duration between each heartbeat tick (in minutes).
- Idle Timeout (Persistent Connection Disabled): Connection will timeout after the specified duration (minutes) if Persistent Connection is disabled.
- Load All Connections:
- True: Loads all available connection profiles to Tables and Fields automatically on start.
- False: A single connection will need to be opened (if Default Connection is set, Default Connection will be opened).
- Max List Size: VDM allows you to leverage a single list within a View’s Filter. Many databases have query size limits and if your lists are thousands of records long the query will need to be sent to the database in smaller chunks. The process of splitting up the query into smaller pieces is done by VDM and is transparent to the user. Once the data has been received VDM will combine the results of the query and deliver the data to the Details Data Grid.
- NLS Dates: When enabled, this option will change the date format for any applied date filter to YYYY-MM-DD.
- Persistent Connection:
- True: Keeps the database connection opened, for up to 5 minutes of inactivity, after a View is searched. Having persistent connection enabled will reduce the amount of time it takes to run many processes within VDM. It is recommended that persistent connection always be enabled unless you find that it conflicts with your database.
- False: Closes the database connection after each View has been searched.
- Query Delay: The number of seconds between executing dynamic queries within parameters. This feature was designed specifically for databases that limit queries within rapid succession. When the value is set to 0, VDM will not insert a delay between dynamic queries.
- Special Character Support:
- True: Will wrap all tables and fields in double quotes. This is helpful when the database has special characters, such as spaces or slashes, in the table and field names.
- False: Will read in the tables and fields exactly how they are delivered from the database.
- Use Brackets (Special Character Support): Used in conjunction with Special Character Support.
- True: Will wrap all tables and fields in brackets [ ] rather than double quotes. This is helpful when the database has special characters, such as spaces or slashes, in the table and field names.
- False: Will read in the tables and fields exactly how they are delivered from the database.
Folder Locations
- Sets the default directories used by VDM
- Auto Scheduler: Location where VDM will store and look for Auto Scheduler jobs.
- Command Tables: The default location for Command Tables
- Dashboards: Location where VDM will store and look for your Dashboards files by default.
- Favorite Tables: Location where VDM will store and look for Favorited tables.
- Formats: Location where VDM will store and look for your Formats by default.
- Formulas: Location where VDM will store and look for your Formulas by default.
- Linking: Location where VDM will store and look for your Linking by default.
- Lists: Location where VDM will store and look for your VDM Lists by default.
- Logs: Location where VDM will store and look for your VDM Logs by default.
- Maps: Location where VDM will store and look for your VDM Maps by default.
- Profiles: The default location for VDM Connection / Email profiles.
- Templates: The default location for Templates.
- Views: Location where VDM will store and look for your Views by default.
Data Location: This setting tells VDM where to look for data that was exported to insights from the Scheduler when the Export to Insights option is checked
Default Layout: This setting will determine the Layout loaded on the launch of Insights. Leaving this setting blank will create a new Layout each time.
Launch on Load: When this setting is set to True, Insights will load on VDM launch instead of the VDM main screen.
Layout Location: This setting determines the location that VDM will store a layout when it is saved.
- Write Heartbeats to Logs: When enabled, VDM stores the connection heartbeat inside logs
- Write to Event Logs: Enables VDM to write to event logs (Requires to be run as admin)
- SQL Databse: VDM is capable of connecting to multiple databases when building a View. For more information refer to our MDS documentation.
- Show Service Commands: This will set whether or not the controls to Start/Stop/Restart the service are available in VDM without admin privileges. Refer to our article Controlling the Scheduler Service Without Admin Privilege for more information.
- Company ID: The Company ID assigned to your VDM license.
View Options
- Best Fit On Search:
- True: Columns will be best fit by default when a view is ran.
- False: Columns will need to be adjusted manually each time a view is ran
- Default Client Side Grouping:
- True: Group statement is processed by local machine.
- False: Group statement is processed by server.
- Default Client Side Sorting:
- True: Sort statement is processed by local machine.
- False: Sort statement is processed by server.
Web Reports Options
- Options File Location: Location to the WebReports Options file. This setting is only used when the installation of VDM is on an IIS server and is being used for the WebReports product.
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