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The Ribbon Bar provides access to the various menu items within the VDM Platform This article breaks down the functions available for each ribbon bar and what they do.
Ribbon Bar Display Options
Available Options:
- Auto-hide Ribbon: Hides the Ribbon. Click at the top of the application to show.
- Show Tabs: Shows the Ribbon tabs only. Click a tab to show the commands.
- Show Tabs and Commands: Shows Ribbon tabs and commands all the time.
Database Ribbon Bar
- New: Launches the Connection Wizard to create a new Connection Profile.
- Load All: Loads all Connection Profiles into Tables and Fields.
- Edit: Launches the Connection Wizard to edit and existing Connection Profile.
- Manage View Connections: Allows views with multiple Connection Profiles to mapped to other Connection Profiles.
- Connect: Opens the connection with the current Database.
- Disconnect: Terminates the connection for the current Database.
- Expand All Tables: Expands the fields list on all loaded tables.
- Collapse All Tables: Collapse the fields list on all loaded tables.
- Find Tables: Search for tables based on the table's name.
- Show All Tables: Shows all tables; useful after using the Show Favorites button.
- Show Favorites: Shows only tables that have been marked as favorite.
WebReports Ribbon Bar (Only Visible on WebReports Connections)
- Open: Opens views that have been uploaded to WebReports.
- Open Completed: Opens completed reports from WebReports in VDM without needing to be executed.
- Publish: Publish views to WebReports.
- Save and Upload: Saves any changes to the current view and uploads it directly to WebReports.
Home Ribbon
- New: Create a new View.
- Open: Open an existing View.
- Save: Save the View that is currently open.
- Save As: Save the View that is currently opened with a new name.
- Save with Data: Save the View file and embed the View’s data.
- Save Encrypted: Saves the View in an encrypted format so it cannot be accessed by anyone outside your organization and cannot be read/edited within a text editor.
- Recent: Displays recently opened Views.
- Run View: Runs the View that is currently open.
- Insights: Launches Insights, a single point of access for Grids, Charts, Finished Reports and Visualizations that allows you to access data from any date and time.
- Finished Reports: Launches Finished Reports, a professional report writing feature.
- Visualize Designer: Launches Visualize Designer, a profession data visualization feature.
- Calendar: Opens the Calendar section of the Scheduler allowing the creating and editing of scheduled jobs.
- Job: Opens the Job setup page allowing the creation/editing of jobs that can be leveraged on the Calendar or in a Master Job.
- Master Job: Launches the Master Job editor for creating batches of Views to run in queue and on demand.
- Abort Search: Aborts a View that is currently being executed. (Only works if the database allows)
View Options Ribbon (Must be set per View - view level options)
- Client Side Grouping:
- Enabled: The View’s Grouping and Summaries items are aggregated in-app (on the local PC) and not on the database.
- Disabled: the View’s Grouping and Summary items will be sent to the database for evaluation and processing.
- Client Side Sorting:
- Enabled: The View’s Sorting items are performed in-app (on the local PC) and not on the database.
- Disabled: The View’s Sorting items will be sent to the database for evaluation and processing.
- Select Distinct:
- Enabled: VDM will only return unique rows of data and will ignore any duplicates. For a row of data to be unique EVERY field in a given row would need to be an exact match of another.
- Disabled: VDM will return all data delivered from the database for the current View.
- Summary Only:
- Enabled: VDM will not deliver the Views detail data and will only return aggregated data to the Summary grid. Enabling this feature will disable Client Side grouping.
- Disabled: VDM will deliver the Views detail data as well as any aggregated data that is defined at the Group and Summary levels.
- View SQL Query: Displays the SQL query, based on the View’s configuration, that VDM is sending to the database.
- Select Top Records: Adds Top X syntax to the SQL query, limiting the number of records returned (not supported with all databases).
- Database Functions: Features for specific databases.
- Native SQL - This makes it so VDM can leverage "native" SQL features that are not accessible in Universe otherwise.
- Use Table Alias: Allows a table alias defined inside the Linking to be used in the query in place of the actual table name.
- Redact: Redacts the query being sent when running the view to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.
- Multi Query Splitter: Allows the user to set the value that is used in Advanced Query when doing Multi Query splits.
- Embed Expressions: Embedded Expressions allows an Expression, used within a View, to be saved and stored in the VDM View file. This greatly simplifies the sharing of Views, containing expressions, with your colleagues.
- Embed Command Tables: Embedded Command Tables allows the command table, used within a View, to be saved and stored in the VDM View file. This greatly simplifies the sharing of Views that leverage command tables with your colleagues.
- Replace Numeric Nulls:
- Enabled: VDM will replace null values with a numeric data type with 0.
- Disabled: VDM will return null values for numeric data types.
- Expandable Excel Groups:
- Enabled: VDM will show expandable grouping when a data grid is exported to Excel.
- Disabled: VDM will not show expandable grouping when a data grid is exported to Excel.
- Default Control: Defines the default control that will receive focus once the View has returned results.
- Transpose Detail: Flips the Detail Grid using the column headers as the row headers and uses the first field in your view as the new column headers.
- Transpose Summary: Flips the Summary Grid using the column headers as the row headers and uses the first field in your view as the new column headers.
- Delete Finished Report: Completely removes all Finished Reports items from the currently opened view.
- Delete Visualize: Completely removes all dashboard items from the currently opened view.
Export / Print Ribbon
- No Preview: Exports the data directly to the selected output without a preview.
- Preview: Exports the data to VDM’s export preview feature.
- Multi-Sheet: Exports the Details, Summary, Basic Chart and Totals to a multi-sheet document.
- Details: Exports the Details.
- Summary: Exports the Summary.
- Chart: Exports the Chart.
Community Ribbon
- Forum: Direct link to the BridgeWorks forum. A place for Report Writers and Developers to share their ideas, techniques and ask questions.
- News: Get the latest updates on VDM.
Help Ribbon
- About: Shows information about the current version of VDM.
- View Release Notes: View the release notes on each version of VDM.
- Register: Used to register VDM’s installation and license for the workstation.
- Support: Launches the VDM support website.
- Auto Updater: Launches VDM’s automated update/upgrade processes and is used to keep your VDM installation current.
- WR App Settings: Used for encrypting Database / OKTA information in the appsettings for WebReports
Would it be possible to add information for the "transpose detail" and "transpose summary" options found under View Options/Post Query
Thank you for bringing this to our attention Nicolas. This article has been updated to reflect the current ribbon bars in VDM which now includes the transpose options. Below is an article relevant to Tranpose and it's usage.
Transpose Detail / Summary Grid – BridgeWorks Help Center (
Thank you so much Cory!
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