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Article Goal: Create a Finished Report that leverages the Group Sorting Summary options.
In this article we are going to cover the steps to create a Finished Report that leverages the Group Sorting Summary options to adjust the sort order of a group on a specific field.
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Why Use Group Sorting Summary?
Group Sorting Summary allows you to sort a grouped band in Finished Reports based on a different field.
Example: Results grouped on client with no sort summary applied
Example: Results grouped on client with sort summary applied
Where Do You Set Group Sorting Summary?
Group Sort Summaries can be applied by selecting the Group Header of your desired group, then expanding the Group Tasks.
Video Tutorial:
Not yet available.
Available Summary Functions
- Average
- Count
- Sum
- Max
- Min
- Median
- Variance
- Population Variance
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Population Deviation
- Average (Distinct)
- Count (Distinct)
- Summary (Distinct)
- Variance (Distinct)
- Population Variance (Distinct)
- Standard Deviation (Distinct)
- Standard Population Deviation (distinct)
- Custom
Steps to Use Group Sorting Summary.
1. Open the Finished Reports Designer.
2. Select the Group Header for the group you want to add the sort on (if your header is hidden, unhide it and then select it).
3. Expand the Group Header Tasks for the group you want to add the sort on (if your header is hidden, unhide it and then select it).
4. Open the Sorting Summary Editor.
5. Enable the Sorting Summary.
6. Select the field you want to sort on.
7. Select the summary function you want to sort on.
8. Select the sort order, then click OK.
OPTIONAL: Enable Ignore Null Values
9. Preview the results and make sure you are getting the correct sort applied to your grouping.
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