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Article Goal: Provide a source of the available HTML tags that can be used with the Allow Markup Text property in Finished Reports.
In this article we are going provide a few HTML tags that can be used with the Allow Markup Text property in Finished Reports.
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Example: Formatting Label with Markup Text / Expression Logic
Example: Results
Available Format Tags / Syntax / Examples
Text Format Tags
Bold text
- Syntax: <b></b>
- Example: '<b>Bold text</b>'
Italic text
- Syntax: <i></i>
- Example: '<i>Italic text</i>'
Strikethrough text
- Syntax: <s></s>
- Example: '<s>Strikethrough text</s>'
Underlined text
- Syntax: <u></u>
- Example: '<u>Underlined text</u>'
Combination text
- '<b><u> Bold and Underlined text </u></b> '
- The <r> tag applies normal text formatting, resetting any existing bold, italic, underlined, and strikethrough formats following the tag.
- '<b><u> Bold and Underlined text<r>Normal or Reset Format Text </u></b>'
MISC Format Tags
- Syntax: '<size=value></size>'
- Example: '<size=10>10pt text</size>'
- Syntax: '<color=value></color>'
- Example: '<color=red>Red Text</color>'
- Syntax: <backcolor=value></backcolor>
- Example: '<backcolor=red>Red Highlight</backcolor>'
Line break
- Syntax: <br>
- Example: 'Hello<br>World'
- Syntax: <font></font>
- Example: '<font=Helvetica>Helvetica text</font>'
Subscript & Superscript
- Syntax: <sub></sub>, <sup></sup>
- Example: '<sub>Subscript Text</sub>' or '<sup>Superscript Text</sup>'
- '<href=value>Your URL</href>' or '<a href=value>Your URL</a>'
- If the value contains a space, put the string in quotes.
- value = the URL you want.
Non-breaking Space
- Syntax:<nbsp>
- Example: 'Hello<nbsp>World'
Try it out using our Sample View! Just click the link to download the View (saved with data).
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